
how to use request details

Issue #

This is the GridView details page.

Note:For contractor gate-pass type Vehicle information should be in separate vehicle gate-pass,Wafra Joint Operations will review inofrmation enter , Any incorrect information will be rejected ... 
Company and contract information
Employee/Contractor Details
GatePass Status
Gatepass Type
GatePass ID
GatePass HID (Number on the Backside bottom)
Total No. of days
Total Previous Gatepass days
Start Date
Expiry Date
Employee Name (En)
Employee Name(Ar)
Job Title
Job Title (Ar)
GatePass Status
Gatepass Type
GatePass Status
Gatepass Type
GatePass Status
Gatepass Type
GatePass Status
Gatepass Type
GatePass Status
Gatepass Type