• I am Committed to ALWAYS.......

    every task , the right way , Every Time
  • Environment
    At Wafra Joint Operations
    get an overview
    more about environment
  • CoW
    At Wafra Joint Operations
    Control of Work
    more about CoW
  • COEM
    At Wafra Joint Operations
    Contractor OE/HSE Management (Former CHESM)
    more about COEM

Stop Work Authority

It is your responsibility – and you have the authority We always comply with the Tenets of Operational Excellence . As an employee or contractor for JO, you are responsible and authorized to stop any work that does not comply with these tenets and there will be no repercussions to you. That is our commitment to you.


Do it safely or not at all

There is always time to do it right.

  • Always operate within design or environmental limits
  • Always operate in a safe and controlled condition
  • Always ensure safety devices are in place and functioning
  • Always follow safe work practices and procedures
  • Always meet or exceed customer's requirements
  • Always maintain integrity of dedicated systems
  • Always comply with all applicable rules regulations
  • Always address abnormal conditions
  • Always follow written procedures for high or unusual situations
  • Always involve the right people in decisions that affect procedures and equipment